Hello all! What with the release of 'Heartache' last week, you'd have thought that I'd be just chilling after a job well done (if you want to listen to that job well done by the way you, just click here). That's what I would have thought too. In fact I did have plans of the relaxed variety.
But you know what they say, she who makes plans is God's comedian.
So no, dear reader, my life has only got more chaotic (is it really me if there isn't a little bit of chaos?) but in a good way. See, Kyle and I were planning to move in together at some point next year, around February/March time but due to various complications (ie landlords) our plans had to be pushed forward very quickly. Like I say, chaotic but in an exciting way. It's certainly exciting for my parents who will finally have got rid of the twenty-something year old ghost who haunts the attic and frequently raids the biscuit tin (or at least they will have come December as I still have my TAing job here until the end of term).
So what does that mean for Rosie? Well the honest answer is, we're not entirely sure yet. Certainly the move has come at an inconvenient time so the Christmas plans I had have been disrupted though not got rid of entirely (don't throw the baby out etc) and because having an actual flat with actual rent and actual bills is more expensive than living at home with parents (go figure) this means that I will have to get some kind of more permanent job. But don't worry, we're not going away entirely. There will still be blogs, still be (at the very least) intermittent vlogs and our radio play(s) are always around, we just possibly won't be doing as many stage shows as we did pre-move (although there are additional reasons for that which I'm planning to talk about in a future blog).
But writing and adapting, now there's a thought....